THE JAZZ AVENGERS 1st Album Release Tour 2023
Supported by Yamaha
Saturday, May 27, 2023
Doors open 17:00, Concert begins 18:00
Live Streaming

Concert Information
THE JAZZ AVENGERS 1st Album Release Tour 2023
Supported by Yamaha
Saturday, May 27, 2023
Doors open 17:00, Concert begins 18:00
Members:Senri Kawaguchi (Dr)/Chizuru Segawa (EG)/Marie Takeda (Key)/Juna Serita (EB)/Miku Yonezawa (TS)/Miho Terachi (AS)/WaKaNa (AS)/Ami Nakazono (SS)
59 Asahi-cho, Goshogawara-shi, Aomori, Japan
Date & Time: Friday, May 27, 2023
Doors open at 17:00 / Concert begins at 18:00
Live Streaming ticket: ¥3,000(JPY)
Ticket: ¥8,800(JPY) for advance tickets
Seats will be reserved in advance.
Dinner plate 3,300 yen + other food and beverage charges to be paid separately.
*Prices shown include tax.
To purchase tickets, please go to Ticket Details
THE JAZZ AVENGERS are the original “Senri’s Seven”, specially formed for the closing ceremony of One Young World 2021 (Munich), where the next generation of leaders in all fields from countries around the world will gather to discuss various international issues based on the principles of SDG5. The band is a collection of Japan’s top female musicians, each member of which was formed in response to this project. The members, led by drummer Chisato Kawaguchi, are all top musicians who have already performed as leaders of their own bands, making them the strongest members ever dreamed of.
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Live Streaming Ticket
Archived Distribution: until 23:59, June 2, 2023 (Fri.)
Advance Ticket
This ticket is for admission to the local venue.